How to Say Safe Travels in Spanish: A Guide to Wishing Bon Voyage

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Planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? It’s essential to brush up on some basic phrases to make your journey even more enjoyable. One such phrase that you’ll often come across is “safe travels.” In Spanish, there are various ways to express this sentiment, and in this article, we’ll explore them all. So, let’s dive in and discover how to wish someone a safe journey in Spanish!

1. Que tengas un buen viaje

One of the most common ways to say “safe travels” in Spanish is “Que tengas un buen viaje.” This phrase conveys the message of having a good trip and ensures that the person embarking on the journey stays safe throughout their travels.

2. Que tengas un buen vuelo

If someone you know is about to board a flight, you can specifically wish them a safe flight by saying “Que tengas un buen vuelo.” This expression is particularly appropriate when bidding farewell to someone who is flying to their destination.

3. Que tengas un viaje seguro

For a more direct translation, you can say “Que tengas un viaje seguro.” This phrase emphasizes the importance of safety during the journey and is an ideal way to express your sincere wishes for a secure trip.

4. Que tengas un trayecto seguro

Another way to convey the same sentiment is by saying “Que tengas un trayecto seguro.” This phrase is particularly useful when someone is traveling by road or other means of transportation that doesn’t involve flying.

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5. Que tengas un desplazamiento seguro

When saying goodbye to someone who is going to commute or travel within a city, you can use the phrase “Que tengas un desplazamiento seguro.” It expresses your desire for their safe journey throughout the city’s streets and public transportation.

6. Que tengas un viaje tranquilo

If you want to emphasize the aspect of a calm and peaceful journey, you can say “Que tengas un viaje tranquilo.” This phrase not only wishes the person a safe trip but also hopes that their journey is free from any stress or complications.

7. Que disfrutes de un viaje seguro

Wishing someone a safe trip while also encouraging them to enjoy themselves can be done with the phrase “Que disfrutes de un viaje seguro.” This expression combines the wishes of both a secure journey and a pleasant experience.

8. Que tengas un buen viaje y regreso

When bidding someone farewell, it’s common to also wish them a safe return. You can do this by saying “Que tengas un buen viaje y regreso.” This phrase encompasses the entire journey, from departure to arrival back home.

9. Que tengas un viaje lleno de aventuras seguras

If you want to wish someone a journey filled with safe adventures, you can use the phrase “Que tengas un viaje lleno de aventuras seguras.” This expression acknowledges the desire for excitement while ensuring their safety at the same time.

10. Que Dios te acompañe en tu viaje

A more religious way to wish someone a safe journey is by saying “Que Dios te acompañe en tu viaje,” which translates to “May God accompany you on your journey.” This phrase not only expresses a wish for safety but also invokes a higher power for protection.

11. Que tengas un viaje sin contratiempos

To wish someone a journey without any setbacks or complications, you can say “Que tengas un viaje sin contratiempos.” This phrase conveys your hope that their trip goes smoothly and that they encounter no obstacles along the way.

12. No te olvides de escribirnos durante el viaje

While not directly related to wishing someone a safe journey, it’s always thoughtful to remind them to stay in touch. You can say “No te olvides de escribirnos durante el viaje,” which means “Don’t forget to write to us during your trip.” This shows your concern for their well-being and your interest in hearing about their adventures.

13. Buena suerte en tu viaje

Although not specifically mentioning safety, “Buena suerte en tu viaje” translates to “Good luck on your journey” and is another way to wish someone well on their travels. It implies a desire for their journey to be smooth and successful.

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14. Que te vaya bien en tu viaje

A simple and versatile phrase to wish someone a safe journey is “Que te vaya bien en tu viaje.” This expression can be used in various contexts and conveys your hope for their trip to go well and for them to return safely.

15. Que tengas un camino seguro de ida y vuelta

When you want to wish someone a safe round trip, you can say “Que tengas un camino seguro de ida y vuelta.” This phrase covers both the journey to their destination and their return journey, ensuring safety throughout.

16. Que tengas un feliz viaje

If you want to wish someone a happy journey while also ensuring their safety, you can say “Que tengas un feliz viaje.” This expression combines well wishes for a joyful trip with the desire for their safety.

17. Que tengas un vuelo tranquilo y seguro

For those about to board a flight, you can specifically wish them a calm and secure flight by saying “Que tengas un vuelo tranquilo y seguro.” This expression encapsulates your desire for their journey to be both peaceful and safe.

18. Que tu viaje esté lleno de momentos inolvidables y seguros

When you want to wish someone a journey filled with unforgettable moments, use the phrase “Que tu viaje esté lleno de momentos inolvidables y seguros.” This expression conveys your desire for their trip to be memorable while ensuring their safety along the way.

19. Que tengas un viaje lleno de bendiciones

If you want to wish someone a journey filled with blessings, you can say “Que tengas un viaje lleno de bendiciones.” This phrase expresses your hope that their trip is not only safe but also brings them positive and fortunate experiences.

20. Que la protección te acompañe durante tu viaje

To wish someone protection during their journey, you can say “Que la protección te acompañe durante tu viaje.” This phrase conveys your desire for them to be accompanied by a shield of safety throughout their travels.

21. Que te cuides mucho en tu viaje

Another way to wish someone a safe trip is by saying “Que te cuides mucho en tu viaje,” which translates to “Take good care of yourself during your trip.” This expression demonstrates your concern for their well-being and safety.

22. Que tengas un viaje placentero y seguro

To wish someone both a pleasant and secure journey, you can say “Que tengas un viaje placentero y seguro.” This phrase combines your hope for their trip to be enjoyable with the wish for their safety.

23. Que tu camino esté lleno de éxitos y seguridad

If you want to wish someone success on their journey while also ensuring their safety, you can say “Que tu camino esté lleno de éxitos y seguridad.” This expression conveys your desire for their trip to be fruitful and secure.

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24. Que tengas un buen viaje y vuelta a casa

When someone is about to embark on a trip, it’s thoughtful to wish them both a safe journey and a safe return home. You can do this by saying “Que tengas un buen viaje y vuelta a casa.”

25. Que disfrutes de tu viaje y vuelvas sano y salvo

If you want to wish someone an enjoyable trip while emphasizing their safe return, you can say “Que disfrutes de tu viaje y vuelvas sano y salvo.” This expression combines the desire for their enjoyment with the importance of their safety.

26. Que tu aventura sea segura y llena de momentos maravillosos

To wish someone a safe adventure filled with wonderful moments, use the phrase “Que tu aventura sea segura y llena de momentos maravillosos.” This expression conveys your wish for their journey to be both secure and filled with unforgettable experiences.

27. Que tengas un viaje sin preocupaciones

If you want to wish someone a worry-free journey, you can say “Que tengas un viaje sin preocupaciones.” This phrase expresses your hope that their trip is free from any concerns or anxieties.

28. Que vuelvas a salvo de tu viaje

When bidding farewell to someone, it’s common to express your wish for their safe return. You can do this by saying “Que vuelvas a salvo de tu viaje,” which means “May you return safely from your journey.”

29. Que tus sueños se hagan realidad en este viaje seguro

To wish someone that their dreams come true on their safe journey, you can say “Que tus sueños se hagan realidad en este viaje seguro.” This expression conveys your hope for their desires to be fulfilled while ensuring their safety.

30. Que tengas un viaje tranquilo y lleno de buenas experiencias

If you want to wish someone a calm journey filled with good experiences, you can say “Que tengas un viaje tranquilo y lleno de buenas experiencias.” This phrase combines your desire for their trip to be peaceful with the hope that they encounter positive and enriching moments.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to say “safe travels” in Spanish, each with its own nuances and specific contexts. Whether you’re wishing someone a good trip, a safe flight, or a secure journey by road, these phrases will help you convey your well wishes in a relaxed and friendly manner. So, next time you bid farewell to someone embarking on a journey, impress them with your knowledge of Spanish and wish them a safe and enjoyable trip!